Mr. Sachin Dubey of Module Innovation Private Limited has won second prize in poster presentation at IKMC 2014 organized by IKP Hyderabad

Mr. Sachin Dubey of Module Innovation Pvt Ltd, a Lab2Mkt beneficiary of Venture Center has won second prize in the poster presentation (diagnostic), at the “International Knowledge Millennium Conference”( IKMC) 2014 organized by IKP Knowledge Park Hyderabad on November 3 & 4.

About IKMC:

As part of its Knowledge Network building activities, IKP Knowledge Park organises the International Knowledge Millennium Conference, IKMC, once every two years on a topic of global relevance in technology innovation to deliberate on global trends, and opportunities for India in that area, with key stakeholders and experts.

More about the event can be found here

Mr. Tanuj Gigras of Nayam Innovations Private Limited has won first prize in poster presentation and second prize in the lightning pitch at IKMC 2014 organized by IKP Hyderabad

Mr. Tanuj Gigras of Nayam Innovations Pvt Ltd, a resident incubatee of Venture Center has won two prizes at the “International Knowledge Millennium Conference”( IKMC) 2014 organized by IKP Knowledge Park Hyderabad on November 3 & 4.

Mr. Gigras won,

1. First prize in the poster presentation on medical devices among 100+ innovators and startupsĀ  and,

2. Second prize in the lightning pitch where 20 entrepreneurs were to pitch their ideas.

About IKMC:

As part of its Knowledge Network building activities, IKP Knowledge Park organises the International Knowledge Millennium Conference, IKMC, once every two years on a topic of global relevance in technology innovation to deliberate on global trends, and opportunities for India in that area, with key stakeholders and experts.

More about the event can be found here

In the News: Dr. Abhay Shendye of Swasti Agro & Bioproducts Pvt Ltd covered by Indian Express Pune newsline

Dr. Abhay Shendye of Swasti Agro & Bioproducts Pvt Ltd, an associate incubatee of Venture Center has been covered by Indian Express Pune newsline in its 5th Nov 2014 edition.

The article in the news highlights his work on “vaccine” for plants to save pomegranate crop. His novel work has earned him accolades from Department of Bio-technology , Government of India including the prestigious “Biotechnology Ignition grant”.

More about the news article can be found here